Family Pic

Family Pic

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our Own Family Celebrity

I am VERY, no, EXTREMELY excited to be the one to announce this to all of you. For those who don't already know, Aunt Peggy's son, Kevin, is a magician. See below :)
For those who haven't seen him perform, he's quite fantastical. He just announced that he's going to be on TV, and performing at the world famous Magic Castle. Here's some info I stole from his announcement...

Magician Kevin Viner on Network TV! Performing on National TV Program Masters of Illusion. Masters of Illusion is a 13 part television program airing on My Network TV, a FOX subsidiary. "Earlier this month, I filmed 7 routines for the show, and I will probably be on 3 to 4 episodes in late March or early April. The show airs Monday nights at 8 PM/7C, so please be on the lookout! Many of my close friends are also performing on this show, so try to tune in every week."

To read more on Kevin, here's a link to his website

Best of luck Kev, I know I'll be watchin! ;)


Meg said...

Donnie is a big fan of this magic show it airs in Fresno at 9pm on monday nights. Just want to make sure you don't miss Kevin.

Kevin Viner said...

It's been airing at 9PM, but it's going to move to 8 at the end of this month (after they're done airing the repeats). Or so I'm told. I wasn't able to make it up there for filming on the large stage, but they had me do quite a bit of street magic.

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

What a loser I am...I'm thinking, "Isn't her like only 10 years old?"

Love the new photo by the way, so sporty ;)

bretandjulie said...

Good for Kevin! I remember him doing magic at the family Christmas parties....ages ago.